The National Grassroots Peace Network (NGPN) is no longer active as an organization. It was formed in February 2001 as the 'National Network to End the War Against Iraq' (NNEWAI). Over 350 grassroots peace and justice groups in 48 states -- all working to end the ongoing bombing, sanctions against, and then to end the invasion and occupation of Iraq -- joined the Network by the summer of 2003, at which time the name was changed from NNEWAI to NGPN. The name change was made in response to threats from the Pentagon about possible military action against Iran and Syria, enabling the Network to widen its focus beyond Iraq, although it never did so.
Diverse people came together to form a Network out of their compassion and concern for the violations of human rights being visited upon innocent people in Iraq by the US and its allies, initially acting through the United Nations in the form of sanctions. The Network was intended to be an organization in which there was no imposition of ideas from the top down or demands for rigid adherence to any specific doctrine. Efforts to halt our governments' killing of innocent civilians in Iraq by military and economic means would be stronger if it was focused, taking this simple demand to the public, beyond the choir and to the mainstream. Strong in diversity of opinion, it proved very difficult to secure members' commitment to building some kind of center to hold the Network together and keep it going.
Throughout the six years the site remained online, the goal was to provide an information service for people actively seeking to bring about an end to war in the Middle East.
Between March of 2001 and 2005, nearly 30 million pages accessed from the site. Thousands of hours were put into new designs for a new site, but the organization was simply unable to find the surplus funds necessary for the training of volunteers or the hiring of professional web designers.
Expired: 2007
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