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Sites 17-24 of 34

The Experimental Party
  An initiative of the US Department of Art & Technology, the Experimental Party is an artist-based political party,
Acosta. Art and human rights
  Art can be a metaphysical desire, an aesthetic experience, a creation of forms or ideas that symbolize human emotions. We are in favour of all that, but the human manifestation can be at the same time sublime singing...
rebel:art - connecting art and activism
  german eZine about the avant-garde of modern political art eg. culture jamming, adbusting, media art, software art, political design, graffiti, stickers etc.
Memorial Figures Series
  Figuring out what's going on.
American T-shirt Patriotism
  Andrej Tisma's T-shirt designs for American and world-wide patriots who oppose the war in Iraq.
  Anti war digital art, poetry, etc.
les dormeurs / the sleepers
  The Sleepers (09-2002): a short work about World War 1 inspired by Arthur Rimbaud's poem: "Le dormeur do val"

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