/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
anti war


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Sites 25-32 of 41

anti-war web-demo
   The purpose of this homepage is to reveal the figures of people who are saying
How You Can Change the World
  A site offering a peaceful and optimistic vision for the future.
  Various links to other anti war sites, news agencies, and original weekly posters.
Project Strait Gate
  A Peace project tutorial: How and why to organize a vigil at a church that does not oppose war. What do say, do and take, and what not to do
All Women Count
  ALL WOMEN COUNT For a world that values all women
Honk for Peace
  Up to date archiving of news articles and upcoming protests, pictures from protests, and a blog.
Pictures That bush Does Not Want You To See
  Disturbing pictures of the Atrocities commited on Iraq.
Global Women Strike
  Invest in Caring Not Killing - against all wars.

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