/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  warProductwar represents an ongoing meditation on US war culture. Previously web published content is recontextualized @war-product-war.com in efforts to promote active re-readings of US visual culture in reference to war, politics, and the global economy
  no war wallpapers,hip hop koints against the war in mp3 format,no war slide show protest signs,no war thoughts,info links, pc fonts with style
  Personnellement, je suis contre. (la guerre). [Leads to Smithsonian's "The Underwater Web" website, specifically the section entitled "War and Peace"]
State Of Anarchy
  Practical information, commentary and links concerning the Middle East War, Earth Changes, lawless government, and Public Awakening.
  The web space of Cell a group of Artists that are dedicated to the Anti war movement in New Zealand, includes street theatre, paintings, sculpture, sounds etc
::uncomfortably numb::
  A blog about life and the human condition, through personal experience, and a strong, obsessive need to right as many wrongs as possible (mine included)...peace, war, politics, love, acceptance, opinions, news, wisdom, kindness, and knowledge....
Art for Peace
  Rethinking the "Energy plan"
Enter the Waste Land
  Poet, socialist, and community activist wanting a stronger, more assertive, more independant antiwar movement. To end the war, the antiwar movement MUST break its ties to the Democratic Party and create parties and organizations that reject the politics

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