Dave Gwyther - Protest singer Dave Gwyther sings about the notions of freedom, war, terrorism and apartheid with the occasional tale of love and adventure.
Uncommon Thought Journal - Analysis and discussion of the critical issues of our times. Topics range from US politicas and imperialism to globalization, and from environment to social justice.
My Opinions are Politically Warped - ღAir Force Spouse Who's Anti-War & Governmentღ You can be both & still love your countryღ
Free Jeremiah Now Society - Links to the streaming audio Oratorio: '...to Jerusalem...'. The 'music' and ambient sounds were recorded live, and in one-take, as the artist played to, and with, the gathering storm; then allowing that ebb and flow to inform the later recorded narration
ACE CARTOON PILOT - Personal blog made of editorial caricatures by Marc Pageau, caricaturist in Canada. Dark humour at its best!
Wackiavelli Band's Home Page - A CD with satirical, irreverent, funny and poignantly political lyrics wrapped in a blend of funky R & B, a tinge of Reggae, and alternative Rock.
jimpunk - nowar
The Handstand - Monthly journal;anarchic;politics;arts;artists;environment studies;