/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Not the Country Club
  A mainly political blog provoking discussion on current affairs.
The War Around Us
  Subjects: War poem, government lies, relationship between war and money, Vietnam, Dresden
  no war wallpapers,hip hop koints against the war in mp3 format,no war slide show protest signs,no war thoughts,info links, pc fonts with style
Rubble Records
  Punk rock against bush. My new comp complete with I hate bush cover.
  The web space of Cell a group of Artists that are dedicated to the Anti war movement in New Zealand, includes street theatre, paintings, sculpture, sounds etc
Milk money or not, here I come...
  A Canadian thirty-something without the proper sense that would have her keep it to herself.
  Free mind. Free people. Free culture - no repression, no war, no occupation.
  An Indian anti-war website posting news & views from around the world; put together by an activist and journalist.

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