/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Democracy In America
  A critical look at media coverage in America...A call to return to the popular democracy Alexis de Tocquville wrote of in Democracy in America, where people discussed ideas instead of having drivel spoonfed by pundits on Fox News.
It's a Political Scam...
  News, Discussion, About, Recommended Reading, Links, Feedback.
Peace & Freedom Press
  Site of Peace & Freedom Press, publishers of paperbacks, magazines and booklets, of poetry, prose and art, mostly relating to humanitarian, animal welfare and environmental concerns.
What Are We Fighting For
  Site dedicated to promoting peace awareness.
Jealous Twin
  energetic and loud, a little cross, and occasionaly rude. i love my job but hate my boss and the whole of the NHS, i am colourful, and learning to drive.. have a cuppa and relax along with me....and my fruit loop of a blog thang.
The Truth
  An Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom veteran's rant against the military industrial complex, the neocons, and the war.
Uncommon Thought Journal
  Analysis and discussion of the critical issues of our times. Topics range from US politicas and imperialism to globalization, and from environment to social justice.
Red Statement
  All things grim, womyn and revolutionary.

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