/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
rebel:art - connecting art and activism
  german eZine about the avant-garde of modern political art eg. culture jamming, adbusting, media art, software art, political design, graffiti, stickers etc.
  The web space of Cell a group of Artists that are dedicated to the Anti war movement in New Zealand, includes street theatre, paintings, sculpture, sounds etc
Chicago FreeSpeechZone
  A literary journalism project focused on the men and women of Chicago's peace movement - and the city's efforts to suppress it.
My Soap Box
  Political and social commentary and ideas. Links to sites for ant-war petitions.
Through Hazel Eyes - Peace & Tribute Page
  UK Peace site, anti-war, no blood for oil, not in our name, anti-Bush & Blair's warmongering agenda with news reports, editorials, links, polls, & graphics.
Big Big Planet
  Opinions from around the world on events happening around the world. There's enough stupidity here to fill a planet.
Here's Yer Money
  Ouch Those Monkeys - Say Here's your Money. Solidarity with those who wish that governments, especially America & the UK - were more keen on looking after the people of the World, rather than earning mass profit by killing innocent lives for oil.
Become Active
  Become active - This is YOUR country! Dedicated to building awareness of issues and encouraging activism to reclaim America.

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