The Evil Atheist Page - Political, social and religious satire. Commentary on the state of the U.S. and our involvement with other countries. An Anti-G.W.B. site.
grisRoots - Liberal rants from the mind of an artist. Graze through my artwork and read my daily blog for everything liberal plus a little bit of fluff for the weekend.
Here on Planet Earth - Headlines and thoughts about what is going on in the news.
jimpunk - nowar
Ry's Rants, Stop the Bushit - Truth about the Iraq war and Bush's lies. Truth about Sharon and Palestine. Facts on military spending. Anti-Bush cartoons. Links to anti-war sites.
ACTION Northwest - We connect, support and advance the growth and effectiveness of multi-issue organizations and grassroots social and economic justice groups. We help increase their capacity for collective action on their various platforms.
Enter the Waste Land - Poet, socialist, and community activist wanting a stronger, more assertive, more independant antiwar movement. To end the war, the antiwar movement MUST break its ties to the Democratic Party and create parties and organizations that reject the politics
A Polyphonic Chronicle - A site about (net)art and other art projects.