The Truth - An Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom veteran's rant against the military industrial complex, the neocons, and the war.
Atheo News - Focus on foreign policy and militarism.
Red Statement - All things grim, womyn and revolutionary.
No Contact Politics - What is the way? Comment on life, politics and culture from some guy who studied too much history...
Ursine Logic - The ramblings and artwork of a crazy old woman who believes in Peace, Nature, the power of Love, and the lessons found in creatures who have fur and abundant love to share with the planet...unconditionally.
The Way of Peace - Created in response to the disastrous policies of the Bush administration, my peace blog offers carefully considered, well-researched alternatives designed to save us from the dangers of political and religious extremism.
Peace Garden - Rants of a liberal, a progressive, an anti-war/peace advocate. a dreamer...
Exposing Secrecy In Government - Government secrecy,conspiracy, cover-ups, corporate takeovers etc...are just a few of the dangers that we face. Much of what is now shaping America and our daily lives is happening behind closed doors, as our privacy and freedom is slipping away.