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Sites 25-32 of 41

Not the Country Club
  A mainly political blog provoking discussion on current affairs.
Terra Incognita: The Undiscovered Country
  International perspectives on contemporary culture and politics.
Johnito Magazine
  My anti-warblog in both Dutch and (sometimes) in English. Critical comments about war politics, the war on terror, banking system, neoliberalism, fearmongering and racism. Progressive and leftleaning, but not dogmatic.
Progressive Springfield
  Progressive thoughts in a conservative town
Poetic Justice (Don't burn the flag. Wash it!)
  Political poetry is the main emphasis. Art renderings (photomontage) accompany much of the poetry, plus a treatise, Head-Line poetry (carved from the day's news), anti-war one-act plays and various original videos throughout.
Templedragon Times
  Anti-war blog-zine featuring an extensive peace and justice links section.
La Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea
  News, links, articles, opinion, information, education about Iraq war and other illigal activities by Western Governments.
Worldwide Sawdust
  Left, Liberal, News Commentary,Research Links, Features

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