/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
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Sites 33-40 of 41

Honk for Peace
  Up to date archiving of news articles and upcoming protests, pictures from protests, and a blog.
All Women Count
  ALL WOMEN COUNT For a world that values all women
  Various links to other anti war sites, news agencies, and original weekly posters.
Project Strait Gate
  A Peace project tutorial: How and why to organize a vigil at a church that does not oppose war. What do say, do and take, and what not to do
  A free resource site offering alternative news & opinion from a range of progressives positions not found in today's mainstream media, along with resources for activists.
  Articles, action notices, news and reports related to anti-war/anti-occupation events in Canada's capital and around the world
The Iraq Monitor
  An Iraq gate with the aim of collecting relevant news, reports and articles from across world media and gathering them in one place.
philip dru interviews
  Streaming or downloadable mp3 files of 20 interviews with primarily anti war libertarian types.

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