/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
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Sites 33-40 of 41

Antiwar Directory
  The main purpose of the site is to provide a useful search tool of antiwar/peace movement site. Also recent news and analysis related to the peace movement.
The Iraq Monitor
  An Iraq gate with the aim of collecting relevant news, reports and articles from across world media and gathering them in one place.
Honk for Peace
  Up to date archiving of news articles and upcoming protests, pictures from protests, and a blog.
  A free resource site offering alternative news & opinion from a range of progressives positions not found in today's mainstream media, along with resources for activists.
Brasil contra a guerra
  Site in portughese Brazil, Anti-War.
  Articles, action notices, news and reports related to anti-war/anti-occupation events in Canada's capital and around the world
Global Women Strike
  Invest in Caring Not Killing - against all wars.
How You Can Change the World
  A site offering a peaceful and optimistic vision for the future.

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