/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  Resources for Progressive Activism in Austin, TX Online Activism ; Other Personal Activism ; Events Organization Listings ; Informational Resources ; Activist Resources ; Contact Information ; ...
Memorial Figures Series
  Figuring out what's going on.
  An on-going group project and public space for political, social and critical artwork.
Liberation Central
  Alternative anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist social justice perspectives.
  The only way to effect change is to vote for what you believe, not the lesser of two evils. Protest and make you vote count. Vote third party.
dimos dimitriou
  still dreaming on ideas? oh! come on!!!!! stop it !!!
Coalition of the Willing
  Links (and some comments). Focus moves to earlier coalition between Iraq and her later enemies.
It's a Political Scam...
  News, Discussion, About, Recommended Reading, Links, Feedback.

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