/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Death, Destruction and Economic Ruin
  An attempt to make people aware of the terrible cost of the Iraq War.
Free Jeremiah Now Society
  Links to the streaming audio Oratorio: '...to Jerusalem...'. The 'music' and ambient sounds were recorded live, and in one-take, as the artist played to, and with, the gathering storm; then allowing that ebb and flow to inform the later recorded narration
Kid Koma
  @mind@maze@ @web@soup@ @net@kitsch@ @no@designers@
Milk money or not, here I come...
  A Canadian thirty-something without the proper sense that would have her keep it to herself.
  The only way to effect change is to vote for what you believe, not the lesser of two evils. Protest and make you vote count. Vote third party.
My Soap Box
  Political and social commentary and ideas. Links to sites for ant-war petitions.
The Case Against America
  Suggests several reasons why people around the world might be anti-American, lists US brands/companies to boycott, links to anti-war, anti-globalisation and fair trade websites.
Not the Country Club
  A mainly political blog provoking discussion on current affairs.

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