/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Sally Blue's Web Site
  My Anti-Bush and Anti-Iraq War paintings and essays on "Bush and war" by other people.
  We provide information and links about liberal issues, and an opportunity for outhers to publish their own opinions/works.
Johnito Magazine
  My anti-warblog in both Dutch and (sometimes) in English. Critical comments about war politics, the war on terror, banking system, neoliberalism, fearmongering and racism. Progressive and leftleaning, but not dogmatic.
  A contemporary art web site with online art, essays and bookmarks. With regard to war infotainment, see the essay Theatre of Operations, as well as Sniper, D'autant qu'à plusieurs (What is More With Many), etc. Languages: French and English
The Case Against America
  Suggests several reasons why people around the world might be anti-American, lists US brands/companies to boycott, links to anti-war, anti-globalisation and fair trade websites.
Bloviate; home of the well-reasoned rant
  Ideas on Canadian and International politics, cultural trends, technology, economics, science- and just about anything else worth discussing. A friendly online meme filter with a healthy-dose of spin.
The War Around Us
  Subjects: War poem, government lies, relationship between war and money, Vietnam, Dresden

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