/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  Open discussion forum open to thoughts on how to stop the evil empire.
Here's Yer Money
  Ouch Those Monkeys - Say Here's your Money. Solidarity with those who wish that governments, especially America & the UK - were more keen on looking after the people of the World, rather than earning mass profit by killing innocent lives for oil.
A house against war
  Easy low-cost initiative for an enduring silent war protest: if you and everyone in your home is opposed to the war in Iraq, register this attitude with a sign outside your door. (German language)
Smartwar Superstation
  An artwork and information website dedicated to the idea of ending war. Find out about the relationship between the media and the war department.
Revue Interstice
  Electronic multidisciplinary magazine with cultural, artistic, literary, photographic, video content.
  no war wallpapers,hip hop koints against the war in mp3 format,no war slide show protest signs,no war thoughts,info links, pc fonts with style
  A contemporary art web site with online art, essays and bookmarks. With regard to war infotainment, see the essay Theatre of Operations, as well as Sniper, D'autant qu'à plusieurs (What is More With Many), etc. Languages: French and English
  The life of a homeschooling, breastfeeding, homebirthing, freedom fighting, gun-toting really cool mom of four.

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