One among 400,000 - A personal document of the
protest that took place in
London, UK on September 28th
2002 to stop the war against
Pleine-Peau - Personnellement, je suis contre. (la guerre). [Leads to Smithsonian's "The Underwater Web" website, specifically the section entitled "War and Peace"]
Wackiavelli Band's Home Page - A CD with satirical, irreverent, funny and poignantly political lyrics wrapped in a blend of funky R & B, a tinge of Reggae, and alternative Rock.
ProgressiveAustin - Resources for Progressive Activism in Austin, TX
Online Activism ; Other Personal Activism ; Events
Organization Listings ; Informational Resources ;
Activist Resources ; Contact Information ; ...
The Handstand - Monthly journal;anarchic;politics;arts;artists;environment studies;
Fatcat Politics - Torture, Treason, Corruption, Lies and Incompetence... Known by their works... The Republicans 2000 - 2008
Up Against the War - This customizable script periodically changes the bg & text colors,
and replaces the title, status bar, and button and text form element values
with various anti-war slogans.
You may also choose to temporarily replace all the images.
devoid - $o how much doe$ it all co$t ?