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This website urged visitors to support a boycott:
By boycotting US products, I want to put pressure on the US government to join the international community, complying with the rules of the United Nations and international law. With the military attack and invasion of Iraq in March 2003 the US acted as a rogue state.

With the attack the US violated the UN charter. Today more than ever US companies seem to have a major impact on the policy of the US administration. The US government policy has increasingly been marked by arrogance and self-interest:

We demand that the US:
  • allow the UN to take over the civil administration in Iraq as soon as possible
  • end 'pre-emptive' attacks on other states
  • actively pursue a two-state solution for Palestine & Israel
  • stop the use of double standards concerning Weapons of Mass Destruction (e.g. those of Israel and the US's own stocks)

Expired: 2006