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Sites 17-24 of 34

A Polyphonic Chronicle
  A site about (net)art and other art projects.
One among 400,000
  A personal document of the protest that took place in London, UK on September 28th 2002 to stop the war against Iraq.
Sally Blue's Web Site
  My Anti-Bush and Anti-Iraq War paintings and essays on "Bush and war" by other people.
  Anti war digital art, poetry, etc.
Memorial Figures Series
  Figuring out what's going on.
Commission Control
  Draws upon divergent representations of contemporary warfare. Begun before the escalation of war in the Balkans (1999), this site responds to the anti-social imperatives of war industry, and to the relationship between military industries and the media.
Blood For Oil
  Free downloadble anti-war, anti-empire and peace posters.

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