/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
anti war


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Sites 9-16 of 39

The Handstand
  Monthly journal;anarchic;politics;arts;artists;environment studies;
  Free mind. Free people. Free culture - no repression, no war, no occupation.
Big Big Planet
  Opinions from around the world on events happening around the world. There's enough stupidity here to fill a planet.
Pro-Troops, Anti-War, Anything But Bush 2004
  A fun, interactive, grassroots forum that will serve as the true voice of the people. We are a community where activists and pissed off people can sound off and express their feeling in a creative and artistic way
Milk money or not, here I come...
  A Canadian thirty-something without the proper sense that would have her keep it to herself.
zero dimension autonomous zone
  anarchist site that is against war,poverty,and any oppression of the working class.
AlienLove Online
  Politics, News, Forums, Art, Fun
Ry's Rants, Stop the Bushit
  Truth about the Iraq war and Bush's lies. Truth about Sharon and Palestine. Facts on military spending. Anti-Bush cartoons. Links to anti-war sites.

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