/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
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Sites 33-40 of 41

The Iraq Monitor
  An Iraq gate with the aim of collecting relevant news, reports and articles from across world media and gathering them in one place.
  A free resource site offering alternative news & opinion from a range of progressives positions not found in today's mainstream media, along with resources for activists.
All Women Count
  ALL WOMEN COUNT For a world that values all women
philip dru interviews
  Streaming or downloadable mp3 files of 20 interviews with primarily anti war libertarian types.
News Alternative - Stories you don't hear much about
  Alternative News and Views - With a special focus on Iraq.
  Articles, action notices, news and reports related to anti-war/anti-occupation events in Canada's capital and around the world
How You Can Change the World
  A site offering a peaceful and optimistic vision for the future.
Global Women Strike
  Invest in Caring Not Killing - against all wars.

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