A house against war - Easy low-cost initiative for an enduring silent war protest: if you and everyone
in your home is opposed to the war in Iraq, register
this attitude with a sign outside your door. (German language)
Joe says No! - Collecting antiwar graphics from around the web
American T-shirt Patriotism - Andrej Tisma's T-shirt designs for American and world-wide patriots who
oppose the war in Iraq.
IDIOCRACY.US - We provide information and links about liberal issues, and an opportunity for outhers to publish their own opinions/works.
Welcome to Your Portal for Infinite Possibility - There is nothing wrong with our world, we are just having a weird conversation - Reclaim the conversation. Our New World Order is Love!
Savage sound list - Affiliated with the site www.killthepresident.us, which opposes assassination, generally.
Dave Gwyther - Protest singer Dave Gwyther sings about the notions of freedom, war, terrorism and apartheid with the occasional tale of love and adventure.
Anti Guerre :: ressources contre la guerre - :: wEB sITE IN fRENCH. rESSOURCES cONTRE lA gUERRE