/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Memorial Figures Series
  Figuring out what's going on.
Ceci n'est pas un mensonge
  (This is not a lie.) Resolution independent unilateralism. Vive le cadavre exquis!
My Soap Box
  Political and social commentary and ideas. Links to sites for ant-war petitions.
  About a book by Stafano Benni, Stranalandia.
The Way of Peace
  Created in response to the disastrous policies of the Bush administration, my peace blog offers carefully considered, well-researched alternatives designed to save us from the dangers of political and religious extremism.
  An on-going group project and public space for political, social and critical artwork.
Up Against the War
  This customizable script periodically changes the bg & text colors, and replaces the title, status bar, and button and text form element values with various anti-war slogans. You may also choose to temporarily replace all the images.
KIndergeschichten/ Childhoodstories
  Stories that reflect the end of WW2 through the eyes of children.

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